
File Galleries

  T Filename Name Description Size Created / Uploaded Last modified Files Hits
Data Sheets Data Sheets Data sheets referenced in my part database. These are the basis for my design analysis. Various equivalent manufacturers may also be available. 29.14 MB Sat 06 of Dec, 2008 Tue 25 of Oct, 2011 54 411801
Family Family Mon 08 of Sep, 2008 Mon 08 of Sep, 2008 0 23867
ElectronicDesign ElectronicDesign Elecronic Design tools; mostly spreadsheets 1.73 MB Thu 06 of Dec, 2007 Sun 23 of Jan, 2011 3 42247
Podcast Test Podcast Test This is a file gallery dedicated to testing podcast functionality 9.44 MB Sat 26 of Aug, 2006 Tue 05 of Sep, 2006 2 35204